Explore the Majesty of Gunung Abang Bali, A Hikers Paradise

Gunung Abang di Kabupaten Bangli Provinsi Bali
Gunung Abang dengan ketinggian 2.152 MDPL di Kabupaten Bangli Provinsi Bali. (Foto: TripAdvisor)
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BALI, RADARTASIK.ID – Have you ever heard about Gunung Abang Bali? This mountain is a prominent hiking destination on the island, located in the Bangli regency of Bali, precisely in the Kintamani district.

As the second most preferred mountain trek after Mount Batur, Gunung Abang offers an enchanting experience for both domestic and international tourists.

While the hiking trail may present a slightly more challenging route compared to Mount Batur, Gunung Abang is still suitable for beginners and offers a rewarding experience.

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Its location in the southeastern side of Mount Batur, separated by Lake Batur in Kintamani, adds to its charm. With an elevation of 2,152 meters above sea level, Gunung Abang showcases breathtaking views of nature’s grandeur.

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Gunung Abang is part of the caldera rim formed by the dramatic eruption of Mount Batur in 1963. Its height of 2,152 meters dwarfs Mount Batur’s 1,717 meters, standing as the third-highest peak in Bali after Mount Agung and Mount Batukaru.

The journey to Gunung Abang begins at the village of Suter in the Bangli regency. To access the hiking trail, follow the route from Bangli towards Kintamani. Upon reaching the Geopark Museum, take a left turn towards the starting point of the Gunung Abang hike.

The most common trail starts from the village of Suter and leads through the scenic village paths. While this route is slightly longer and sandy, it’s crucial to protect yourself with a mask or other coverings to avoid inhaling dust.

Upon reaching a spacious open area, take a moment to rest and recharge. Gunung Abang offers three exciting activities for visitors at its summit:

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